Spatial Footprint Cache
Cache the results of expensive spatial queries with a spatial LRU cache.
Caching the results of expensive queries, like API calls or compute-heavy functions on DataFrames, can dramatically speed up the execution of a spatial program. In Python, adding the functools.lru_cache
decorator to an existing function makes caching convenient by wrapping a function and hashing its arguments.
This library provides a variety of spatial LRU (drops the least-recently used) cache that can be easily integrated into an existing spatial query.
Spatial footprint cache
The footprint spatial cache considers every function execution to have a spatial footprint in which that execution is valid. During a cache miss, the function must return a shapely
geometry in which all subsequent executions have the same value in addition to the function’s result.
For example, a spatial footprint cache is useful if we were to calculate nationality based on one’s place of birth. The first execution might be f('New York City') => 'American'
. With the spatial footprint cache, we would return the United States’ border, in which all future calls can resolve to 'American'
An animation of calculating the state a point is in, annotated with whether the state has been cached and if it’s a cache hit or miss.
When we wrap a function in spatial_footprint_cache
, we must change the return value. Calls should return a two-tuple, (result, footprint)
, where footprint
is a shapely
geometry or None
if the result should not be cached.
from geopandas import gpd
from mundipy.cache import spatial_cache_footprint
from shapely.geometry import Point
nations = gpd.read_file('national_borders.geojson')
def calculate_nationality(place_of_birth: Point):
# find the nation that contains this point
nation = nations[nations.contains(place_of_birth)]
if len(nation) < 1:
# do not cache
return (None, None)
# return first nation that contains the point
return (nation.iloc[0]['name'], nation.iloc[0]['geometry'])
The result will be cached for the geometry
that is returned.
The size of the cache can be tweaked with @spatial_cache_footprint(maxsize=128)
Cache info
Statistics about cache hits or misses can be shown with fn.cache_info
# {'hits': 1, 'misses': 3}